Sip coffee, speak French, enjoy the moment!

Immerse yourself in French language and café vibes at our French Class Café. Let the aroma of coffee inspire your conversation skills in a warm and inviting setting!

Discover the joy of learning French in a cozy café setting!

59,99€ per week

Looking to immerse yourself in the French language without the stress of a traditional classroom? Look no further than the French Class Café! This unique course offers a total immersion experience right in the heart of a cozy French café.

Imagine this: twice a week, you step into the warm and inviting atmosphere of a quaint café, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the chatter of French conversation filling the air. This is not your typical language class – it's an opportunity to learn French in a relaxed and friendly setting.

The French Class Café is designed for those who want to progress quickly in their language skills, focusing on conversational fluency and vocabulary building. Each session is led by a teacher who will guide you through engaging conversations, cultural insights, and practical language exercises.

No more boring textbooks or dull grammar drills – at the French Class Café, you'll learn the language through real-life interactions and experiences. From ordering your favorite café au lait to discussing the latest French films and music, you'll be immersed in the language from day one.

One of the greatest advantages of the French Class Café is the chance to practice speaking with fellow learners and native speakers. This is where you'll truly hone your conversation skills, learning to speak French like the locals do.

Forget the stress of online classes or the pressure of exams – at the French Class Café, the focus is on enjoying the process of learning. You'll feel like a regular at your favorite café, sipping on coffee while expanding your language skills.

So, if you're looking for a cool way to learn French, sign up for the French Class Café today.

No registration fees and materials are FREE!

Enroll now
a restaurant filled with lots of tables and chairs

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the French Class Café?

The French Class Café is a unique French learning experience that combines language learning with the culture and warm atmosphere of a café. Our classes are interactive, fun, and designed to help you master French, whatever your level and goals, with a program tailored to your individual needs.

What is the level of the classes?

We offer classes for all levels, from beginners to advanced. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to refine your skills, we have a class that's right for you.

What is the structure of the classes?

We offer two weekly classes, each one hour long. Each class covers a specific theme in French, with guided conversations, exercises, and practice time. You'll also be encouraged to practice outside of class.

Who is the teacher?

Your teacher will be Bill, a qualified and passionate native French speaker. He'll be there to guide you, encourage you, and help you reach your French goals.

Can I join at any time?

Spaces in the French Class Café are limited to ensure a quality learning experience. If we're full, you can sign up for our waitlist and we'll let you know as soon as a spot becomes available.

What is the cost?

Membership in the French Class Café is €59.99 per week, which includes two weekly classes, unlimited access to our digital book library, and NO enrollment fees. We also offer the option to pay in installments with NO extra charges.

What will I get by joining the French Class Café?

By joining the French Class Café, you'll get so much more than an ordinary French class. You'll get a special experience, a dedicated teacher, and an engaging and fun approach to learning French. You'll see your confidence and French skills blossom with each class.

What is the difference with a classic French course?

The French Class Café offers a radically different learning experience from traditional French courses. Instead of boring you with depressing grammar rules and rigid lessons, we invite you to spend a convivial moment in a warm and relaxed environment. Our approach is designed to help you learn French in the most natural way possible, by immersing you in the language and culture. We make sure our lessons are always interactive, fun, and tailored to your individual needs. Forget the routine of classroom lessons for a realistic environment.

How can the French Class Café help me reach my French goals?

The French Class Café is designed to help you reach your French goals, whether it's setting up in France, communicating with family and friends, improving your career prospects, or simply taking on the challenge of learning a new language. Our practical and interactive lessons will help you build your conversation skills, your listening comprehension, and your confidence. With the support of your dedicated teacher, you'll be able to progress at your own pace and see your French skills improve week after week.

Join the French Class Café queue

We're excited about your interest in the French Class Café! We'd love to welcome you as soon as a spot opens up. Please sign up for our waitlist and we'll let you know as soon as there's space available.

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